"I'm also just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Polititains Love Ambiguity

This activity was much harder than I thought it was. It was one thing to add nonsense vocabulary that I know for whatever reason and using it in a pretty much inappropriate way, but the more difficult part of this experience was actually condensing the speeches in order for them to make since. For example it was extremely difficult to digest what Wallace was talking about. I was about fifty percent sure it was about slaves, but I really don’t know. This connects to what Orwell was saying about the use of politics to manipulate the audience. Politicians utilize vocabulary to present very wish washy message so if things go wrong, they cannot get full blame. They use very sophisticated language to both make them seem smarter, make their points seem more acceptable, and to confuse the audience. I experienced this first hand because when I tried to reword the speeches to make them more straightforward, it was difficult. The only hard thing about going against Orwell and using unnecessary vocabulary is find vocabulary that seems smart. It is easier to protect your main thoughts with unnecessary words than it is to present facts that are strong enough that they do not need any buffer. The hardest thing about this activity was siphoning through all the text and fishing out the words that actually meant something.

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